Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
A free resource for everyone in KS1 with a few examples of worksheets for Literacy and Numeracy. These are just samples to let you see the type of graphics and language I use and to celebrate my last year in successfully writing resources for TES. Enjoy.
Here’s a freebie! A 10 page pdf file to be printed out. Includes examples of my PSHE worksheets which I have used at the start of the year for display purposes and transition activities. These are examples taken from a few of my PSHE resources which Tes have recommended. I hope your classes enjoy using them and don’t forget to give me feed back.
A great resource to use with the children to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. A pdf file for Key Stage 1 which may also be useful for lower ability Key stage 2 or SEN. The 20 worksheets can be printed out separately and used for differentiation or as an entire booklet to let the children take home. There are a variety of writing and drawing tasks for literacy.
Acrostic poems, quizzes, alphabetical order, true or false, creative writing, finding words, similes and research from books or the internet. A great resource to celebrate Ireland's saint.
Suitable for KS1this workbook provides pupils with a number of problem solving activities. 10 slides on PDF and a powerpointpresentation. Activities involve addition, subtraction and multiplication problem solving activitities. This will be good for a one off lesson on St. Patrick's Day. It can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual worksheets.
Great resource for KS1 themed St Valentine's Day. Reading, writing, and drawing activities which can be printed out as a complete workbook for the entire day or as individual worksheets. Comprehension on a party invitation, writing sentences, poems, verses, words and meanings, common and proper nouns.
A fun start with these fun activities for emergent readers and writers in KS1. The powerpoint can be used to model reading and writing to the whole class and the pdf file can be printed off as individual worksheets.
Poetry for Fun......animal poems with comprehension, drawing and writing activities, writing an animal poem and a New Year poem
Reading for Fun.....animal stories with comprehension and grammar activities including rhyming, words and meanings and plurals
Writing for fun....includes a story plan, writing a story, a letter, a description and a checklist
This is the third in the series of My Colour Books for Early years and KS1 children. It is themed for Summer with colourful graphics. The tasks are to complete sentences using the correct colours, visual awareness is important and recognition of colours essential. There are also two wordmaps which could be laminated one on Seaside words and one on colours. These could be used as aids for writing ecxercises. The children will also be asked to complete some reading activities putting in a missing colour word, this will test understanding of what has been read. This can also be bought as part of a bundle.
Recently updated . This fun filled Christmas themed Problem Solving PDF file for Key Stage 1 will keep your little ones busy towards the end of term. It includes multiplication, division, addition of tens and units with carrying,subtraction by decomposition, finding a fraction of 24,weight heaviest to lightest, time and money. It can be printed out as a complete workbook or as individual sheets for display. There are working out boxes on each page and it has colour and black and white graphics.
I have also included the powerpoint presentation. This will be also a great resource for SEN or low ability KS2.
This PDF File and presentation will be very useful to KS1 as an assembly idea or as a class story linked to fables as there is a moral in the story. The two characters in the story are a spider and a little bug, the setting is in a cornfield. The bug warns the spider that the farmer will be coming soon to gather the crop. I won't tell you the rest as I don't want to spoil it for you! The story is adapted from one I read and I have rewritten it myself in child friendly vocabulary. There are a set of discussion questions which will be good for talking and listening sessions after the children have either read or heard the story.
This 28 page resource has the Nativity story written in an original format and in child friendly vocabulary. It is suitable for KS1 and tells the story of the birth of Jesus, the visit of the shepherds, the journey of the wisemen and the role of King Herod. It consists of reading pages and follow up writing and drawing activities. The booklet can be printed out for each child or used for differentation. It is a similar format to my Easter story book recommended by Tes. I have also included a powerpoint presentation. Written activities include vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, newspaper reports , sentence construction, retelling parts of the story and ordering.
A great resource for both KS1 and 2 to be used for St.George's Day. Includes a fact sheet, the legend written in child friendly vocabulary, creative, imaginative and descriptive writing sheets, composing poetry, writing diary extracts, newspaper articles, discussing themes, looking at characteristics of the characters in the legend and a few drawing activities. Also grammar brainstorming adjectives and a few comprehension questions.
A resource in colour and duplicated in black and white.
20 pages to use as a booklet with the children or as display for Science Board.
Vocabulary sheet
Question and answer sheet.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation.
Useful for EYFS and KS1
A resource of 21 slides for EYFS and KS1 on the Frog Life Cycle. These are in colour and repeated in black and white for printing individual booklets and for display in the class room. There are pictures of the various stages with a relevant sentence, word bank and question sheets. There is a powerpoint presentation included for classroom use, talking and listening and discussion.
Looking for some new ideas for emerging writers then this PDF file and powerpoint presentation for KS1 themed on Spring is just right.
Each page is numbered, has Spring title, a stimulating picture and an opening sentence. The pages can be printed out separately for differentiation. These are original ideas to stimulate children who have difficulty writing. The pages can be used for classroom displays, or can be printed out as a complete booklet.
Looking for a resource to keep your little ones busy towards the end of the year or to occupy your slower learners and improve their reading and writing techniques? This is the one. Seaside PDF file with lots of fun activities, writing and drawing activities included, research worksheets, vocabulary worksheets, writing poetry, stories, a little bit of science and senses, sailing to a desert island, descriptive writing and links to a cross curricular topic. Curriculum areas include Literacy, Science/Materials, Art and The Animal Kingdom. This file can be printed out as individual workbooks for each child.
A powerpoint presentation to be used as a school assembly or as a class talking and listening activity. This year celebrates 100 years of women being permitted to join The British Military Forces. In this presentation we look at the history since WW1, we look at famous people, Queen Elizabeth, Dame Kelly Holmes, Veteren Rose Watson and Major General Susan Ridge
A pdf file consisiting of 20 problem solving questions Hallowe'en themed to keep your little ones busy during Hallowe'en week. This can be printed off as a complete booklet or as separate worksheets to be displayed on walls.
Includes questions, working out boxes and Hallowe'en graphics.
Numeracy topics include Addition with carrying, subtraction with decomposition, multiplication, simple fractions, money addition,subtraction and multiplication and division facts.
This is a 16 page workbook with literacy, numeracy and fun activities on the theme of birthdays. It will be useful for Upper KS1 as a prelude to Calendar work.
Consists of:-
All About Me page
Descriptive writing
Writing a formal letter
Writing lists
Newspaper report
8x,9x tables
Problem solving
Months problem solving
Design an outfit
Design an invitation
Design a cake
A pdf file and powerpoint presentation PHSE for KS2
What is Humanitarian Day?
How can you help those less fortunate in our community?
How can you help those less fortunate in the world?
Write a biography about someone who has made a difference in the world.
Write a biography about someone who has made a difference in your life.
Write your own I have a dream Speech
Fact Sheets :- Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King
Library and Textbook tasks
Biography writing
Internet research
This could be used as a workbook for each child or as a presentation for Talking and listening.
A great resource for KS1 to stimulate their writing. These are prompts about summer activities with pictures of animals, sandcastles, children and summer accessories. Very similar to my Easter and Spring Story prompts. They can be printed out and can be laminated for groups of children. Also good for differentation. Also be suitable for the less able children in KS2.